Weekly Review
- Rhinoceros 3d modeling
- 2D drawing
- Work Flow
(Digital) Camera
Camera (in Monnai Lab.)
- sensor (size, pixel number)
- lens
- focal length
- aperture wikipedia
- f-number
- deep focus (パンフォーカス) vs Bokeh (ボケ)
- shutter speed
- iso – noise relation
- angle of view – horizontal, vertical, diagonal
- 35mm equivalent focal length – reference, calculation
- distortion (歪曲収差)wikipedia
- chromatic aberration (色収差) wikipedia
- tilt – shift lenz
TS-E17mm F4L
(Architectural) Photography
- Bernd and Hilla Becher
- http://www.yasunao.com
- http://mirutake.hp2.jp/txt/01syasin/syasin.htm
- Rendering in Rhinoceros
- Rhino Render
- lighting
- environments
- material
- texture
- post effects
- Vray
- Inkjet
(In Laboratory)Printer: EPSON PX-H7000
Width, Length, Speed – print quality, Driver install, black ink switch, Exchange paper/ink- Type C Print (Kodak, wikipedia: Chromogenic color print)
- Digital Type C Print → Lambda print (Durst Lambda)
- Roll Paper (Epson)
- 普通紙ロール<厚手> 6500円/100M = 56円/A1
- PX/MCプレミアムマット紙ロール8500円/30.5M = 237円/A1
- プロフェッショナルフォトペーパー<厚手絹目> 23000円/30.5M = 641円/A1
- プロフェッショナルフォトペーパー<厚手光沢> 23000円/30.5M = 641円/A1
- MC画材用紙ロール 14000円/18m = 662円/A1
- Sheet Paper
- オリオンケント 180円/A1
Framing, Panelization, – 大判プリント.com
Architectural Photographer
- 渡辺義雄
- 二川幸夫 GA
Fine-art Photography
- Bernd and Hilla Becher
- Andreas Gursky
- Candida Hofer
- Thomas Struth
- Thomas Ruff
Gallery, Exhibition